You’ll barely need a sponge again!
In-Sync Scrubber does the dirty work for you.

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In-Sync Scrubber – About Us
Hi everyone my name is Bryan inventor/creator of the In-Sync Scrubber. It was during crazy times for all of us in October of 2020 when I came up with this, probably because we all had so much time on our hands. 1 day I was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the kid and had the all so ever pesky peanut butter on the knife and as I’m Scrubbing it off with a sponge knowing I have to than clean the peanut butter off the sponge too it hit me. I had to create a product of basically eliminating the middle man, that being the sponge. I started drawing and working with moldable glues and plastics to get the product design down. Once I had the perfect design in mind I wrote the patent and put in the application with USPTO and was patent pending within a week. I hired a product developer to actually make my vision come to life. Within a few weeks we were testing 3d models and changing the design so the In-Sync Scrubber would be more and more efficient. The product development team had the urethane casting prototypes made and I fell in love after testing in my sink doing dishes saving 70% of the average time to clean kitchen utensils. I approved the design and off to the manufacturer we went. Here we are in the midst of a Pandemic and uncertainty our team was able create a product that will help millions of families save time on dishes so they can focus on what really matters. Everyone here at In-Sync Scrubber looks forward to your feedback so please contact us through the link above if you have questions or concerns. Enjoy the extra family time you’ll have instead of doing dishes, we all need it.
Thank you,
Bryan Lodge
In-Sync Scrubber
Built To Last
Durable and easy to use, the In-Sync Scrubber is quite simply the best addition for your kitchen sink that money can buy.
Innovative Technology
Made with the best materials and using the latest technology, the In-Sync Scrubber is a product of now.
Customer Satisfaction
Your satisfaction is guaranteed, or you may return the product within 30 days, no questions asked!
How It’s Made
Here are some videos of our manufacturing process, and the finished product.
The easiest way to wash utensils!
We designed the In-Sync Scrubber to save you time and aggravation in your daily dish washing routine.
No More Scrubbing
Easy To Use
Never Lose A Utensil In A Drain Again
The In-Sync Scrubber
The handiest addition to the kitchen sink since the addition of running water. Never scrub again at dirty utensils, let the In-Sync Scrubber do all the dirty work for you!